September 16, 2014
Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"California Department of Toxic Substances Control: Cost Recovery Audits and Oversight
April 2, 2014
Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Flame Retardants and Technical Bulletin 117-2013"
March 26, 2014
Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Home-Generated Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal: Take-Back Programs in California"
- 3/26/14 Agenda
- 3/26/14 Background
- California Research Bureau Handouts:
1. Pharmaceuticals in Water: An Overview
2. Common Pharmaceuticals in California Water
3. Reducing Pharmaceuticals in California Water
- Background on Pharmaceutical Usage, Disposal, and Environmental Presence Handouts:
1. California Legislative Analyst's Office
2. CalRecycle
- Regional California Take-Back Programs Handouts:
2. Los Angeles Narcotics Bureau - County Safe Drug Drop-Off Program
March 19, 2014
Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality & Natural Resources and Water Committees
"Emergency Response to Rail Accidents"
Department of Toxic Substances Control Presentation and Handouts:
2. Emergency Function 10 Hazardous Material Annex
3. Emergency Response Unit Fact Sheet
4. List of DTSC Emergency Responses 2009 to Present
6. Map of Who Received RAPID Funding
March 12, 2014
Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee & Select Committee on Climate Change and AB 32 Implementation
"AB 32: Implementation Through 2020 and Beyond"
- Witness presentation: Mary Nichols, Chairman, Air Resources Board
- Witness presentation: Bill Magavern, Coalition for Clean Air
- Witness presentation: Prof. Dan Kammen, UC Berkeley. Handout No. 1, Handout No. 2.
- Witness presentation: Alex Jackson, NRDC
- Witness presentation: Dorothy Rothrock, California Manufacturers and Technology Association
- Witness presentation: V. John White, Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies
February 26, 2014
Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Natural Resources and Water & Environmental Quality Committees
"SB 4 (2013) Implementation and Well Stimulation Regulations"
- 2/26/14 Agenda
- 2/26/14 Background
- Department of Conservation Handout
- League of Women Voters of California Statement (page two is blank - not a mistake)
- 2/26/14 Video of Hearing
January 15, 2014
Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Department of Toxic Substances Control: Hazardous Waste Management Program"
September 24, 2013
Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality & Natural Resources and Water Committees
"Setting the Stage for a 2014 Water Bond: Where Are We and Where Do We Need To Go?"
May 15, 2013
Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Oversight of the Safe Drinking Water Revolving Fund and Water Quality Programs Impacting Drinking Water"
February 12, 2013
Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Natural Resources and Water & Environmental Quality Committees
"The Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil and Gas Production in California"
Panel 1 - Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources
Panel 2 - Regulatory Agencies
- Department of Toxic Substances Control
- South Coast Air Quality Management District
- California Air Resources Board
Panel 3 - Local Government Representatives
Lorelei Oviatt, Director of Planning and Community Development for Kern County
- Santa Cruz County Letter
- Santa Cruz County Resolution