2019-20 Informational & Oversight Hearings

March 10, 2020

Joint Informational Hearing:  Joint Legislative Audit Committee and Senate Environmental Quality Committee and Health Committee and Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee and Health Committees:

"Childhood Lead Levels: Millions of Children in Medi-Cal Have Not Received Required Testing for Lead Poisoning (Report Number 2019-105)"


March 4, 2020

Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality and Transportation Committees:

"Putting the Brakes on California's Rising Transportation Emmissions"


March 20, 2019

Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality and Natural Resources and Water Committees:

"Clogging California's Ocean with Plastics"

March 12, 2019

Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality and Judiciary Committees:

"Just the Facts: An Evidence-Based Look at CEQA Streamlining and CEQA's Role in Development"


February 27, 2019

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality and Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy and Transportation Committees and Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials and Budget Subcommittee No. 3 on Resources and Transportation Committees:

"Oversight of the Department of Toxic Substances Control"

February 20, 2019

Oversight Hearing: 
"California's Climate Change Policies: Will the State Achieve the SB 32 Target?"

February 12, 2019

Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality and Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committees:

"California's Green Chemistry Program: Are We Protecting People from Toxic Chemicals in Products?"